Emmanuelle Claes (1), Vanessa Baio (2), Yannick Courtin (3)Published in the journal : October 2019Category : Soins palliatifs
Caregivers in charge of end-of-life patients are often helpless and experience difficulty when their patients do approach death. Heavy emotions manifest and several questions come up. This is a common observation.
Most naturally, this emphasizes the necessity of a project involving caregivers’ knowledge of death outside palliative care. Such a project was built over 3 years of meetings, consultations with eight teams of caregivers, questions, seminar sessions and presentations, transcripts, proofreading, in addition to numerous corrections.
The outcome is a set of 35 recommendations stemming from the «practical wisdom» of caregivers. This document bears witness to a process of care within this field, a process which designates a movement, bringing one towards the other in order to meet him on his own path [6]. This approach brought together caregivers from eight disciplines around the same questioning in order to broaden and ameliorate their own skills, while sharing them with the different stakeholders working on the quality of care within an institution.
This project is now evolving and primarily designed to encourage consultation and implementation of the recommendations, while further seeking for partnerships in this field.