New obesity drugs: a paradigm shift?

Jean-Paul Thissen Published in the journal : April 2024 Category : 18e Congrès UCL d’Endocrino-Diabétologie - Mars 2024

Summary :

GLP-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1RAs) are the most extensively studied drug class for obesity treatment. These molecules induce significant weight loss and an improvement regarding comorbidities associated with excess weight. Weight loss results almost exclusively from caloric intake reduction. GLP-1RAs are well tolerated and have a satisfactory safety profile. Molecules currently under development aim to enhance weight loss, notably by targeting other receptors, and to improve patient compliance. Their use raises many questions (cost and possible reimbursement, duration of use, very long-term safety, place in relation to dietary management and bariatric surgery, etc.). Even though all these questions must be addressed, a paradigm shift is taking shape in the management of obesity, after decades of failure.


GLP-1 receptor, obesity, weight loss