The management of chronic lymphocytic leukemia in clinical practice: what is new in 2024?

Sarah Bailly (1), Marie-Christiane Vekemans (1), Eric Van Den Neste (1) Published in the journal : July 2024 Category : Hématologie et Oncologie médicale

Summary :

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia is the most common leukemia subtype, accounting for over one-third of leukemia cases in Belgium. Recent years have seen a significant expansion in the treatment range available to patients and clinicians. Today, we live in an era of targeted therapies and immunotherapies, relegating chemotherapy to very rare situations. These new treatments were shown to offer excellent prospects in terms of progression-free survival and quality of life for patients, but they have also introduced new toxicity profiles that clinicians must manage. This article sought to provide physicians with a condensed update on what they need to know about managing this disease in 2024.


Chronic lymphocytic leukemia, targeted and supportive therapies