Assessment of plasma cortisol levels : usefulness and diagnostic pitfalls

Damien Gruson Published in the journal : March 2017 Category : Endocrinology

Summary :

Assessing cortisol levels is recommended in the event of suspected hypercorticism like Cushing's syndrome, as well as in the event of hypocorticism like adrenal insufficiency. Cortisol testing is therefore a major tool for clinicians, and especially for endocrinologists, with particular attention required for selecting the most appropriate cortisol measurement tool in relation to clinical expectations. Most of the current assays while being automated rely on immunoassays. It should, however, be noted that the standardization process for cortisol assays has not yet been fully completed, with still significant inter-method variations. The clinicobiological relationship thus appears paramount in order to best select the most appropriate cortisol assessment method.

Key Words

Cortisol, assays, interferences, CBG, mass spectrometry, automation