The non-traumatic shoulder physical examination

Henri Nielens Published in the journal : May 2017 Category : Congrès UCL de Médecine Générale

Summary :

The non-traumatic shoulder physical examinations starts with a specific history followed by an observation of both shoulders at rest and during anterior elevation and abduction movements that must remain symetrical. Thereafter, the patient must be asked to indicate precisely where the pain is located. Active and passive mobilities are evaluated. In case of a major reduction of both passive and active mobility of the shoulder, which is accompanied by severe pain, the occurrence of an adhesive capsulitis should be suspected. The tendons of the rotator cuff must be evaluated with the traditional specific tests. The impigment tests must also take place, as tendon injuries often go along with subacromial impigment. Finally, palpation of the tendon of the rotator cuff as well as motor testing of the muscles of the shoulder including the serratus anterior will end the physical examination of a non-traumatic painful shoulder.

Key Words

Shoulder examination, mobility, specific tests