Right ventricular dysfunction is a strong predictor of mortality in patients with heart failure. Due to the configuration right ventricle, assessing the function of the right ventricle proves complex. Cardiac RMN is actually considered the gold standard to evaluate right volumes and right heart dysfunction. There is limited information available to date on the optimal management of right ventricular dysfunction, except in arterial pulmonary hypertension cases (Group 1). Future research is needed to determine specific treatments, improve prognosis, and increase quality of life of patients with right-sided heart failure.
What is already known about the topic?
Knowledge and data about ventricular function in heart failure prove limited in the scientific literature, though ventricular dysfunction is currently recognized as a significant predictor of mortality in heart failure patients.
What does this article bring up for us?
This article is meant to be a reminder on right ventricular function and dysfunction, its involvement in heart failure, and the privileged role of cardiac nuclear magnetic resonance in its evaluation. The role of the right ventricle in cardiac insufficiency
Key Words
Right ventricle, cardiac failure, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)