Complete auriculo-ventricular block secundary to an exceptionnal aetiology

Justine Vereeke, Christophe Scavée (1) Published in the journal : April 2019 Category : Observations cliniques

Summary :

The occurrence of atrio-ventricular conduction disorders calls for further investigations. Differential diagnoses comprise infections, infiltrative diseases, and neoplasiae. Primary cardiac lymphoma is a rare condition, often associated with delayed diagnosis. Nevertheless, complete tumor response and, therefore, disappearance of the conduction disorder may be achieved through an appropriate treatment.

What is already known about the topic?

Primary cardiac lymphoma is a rare pathology, representing about 1% of cardiac tumors, which can cause cardiac conduction abnormalities.

What does this article bring up for us?

This article highlights the relevance of looking for a precise diagnosis in case of complete AV block. Cardiac lymphoma is an uncommon condition, with a poor prognosis. Early detection and appropriate treatment result in a complete normalization of the cardiac conduction abnormalities in the majority of cases.

Key Words

Complete auriculo-ventricular block, left ventricular mass, primary cardiac lymphoma