Retinal vein occlusion: what is the role of thrombophilia?

Gianfilippo Nifosì Published in the journal : November 2017 Category : Ophtalmology

Retinal vein occlusion is the second most common retinal vascular disease, with an increased incidence in elderly patients with cardiovascular risk factors. While ocular hypertension appears to be the main local factor, thrombophilia plays a major role in young subjects, in people without risk factors, in the presence of positive personal history for venous thromboembolic disease, during pregnancy, as well as in the event of bilateral occlusion. In these circumstances, congenital or acquired predisposing factors should be searched for. The role of new local treatments, anticoagulant therapy, and long-term prophylaxis is discussed in the present article.

Key Words

Thrombophilia, retinal circulation, hyperviscosity, anticoagulation

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Amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis: benefits of total thyroidectomy

Florence Dive (1), Dominique Maiter (2), Michel Mourad (3), Jean-Benoit le Polain de Waroux (1), Sébastien Marchandise (1), Cynthia Barbraud (1), Hélène Dano (4), Christophe Scavée (1) Published in the journal : November 2017 Category : Cardiology

Amiodarone, a class III antiarrhythmic agent according to the Vaughan-Williams classification, is commonly prescribed to control supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias, especially in patients with ventricular dysfunction. Amiodarone-induced hyperthyroidism may provoke serious cardiovascular complications, as illustrated by our two clinical cases. The diagnosis of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis may prove tricky at times, and its medical treatment complex.

Surgical management of amiodarone-induced hyperthyroidism appears to be an attractive therapeutic option, particularly for patients with a risk of arrhythmias upon amiodarone discontinuation.

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My patient under dual antiplatelet therapy has to undergo surgery: what to do?

Cédric Hermans, Catherine Lambert Published in the journal : October 2017 Category : XXVe Journée de Cardiologie

An increasing number of patients benefit from a dual antiplatelet therapy combining a low dose of acetylsalicylic acid and a platelet adenosine diphosphate (ADP) receptor antagonist (Clopidogrel, Prasugrel, Ticagrelor), generally indicated in presence of a coronary artery stent and/or a history of acute coronary syndrome. During invasive procedures (operations, biopsies, punctures, dental care, etc.) carried out electively or urgently, the management of this antiplatelet association is often problematic. It must weigh the thrombotic risks following their cessation against the hemorrhagic risks associated with their continuation. This brief article summarizes the practical strategies for managing antiplatelet associations during invasive procedures.

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Which treatment for stable angina patients?

David Vancraeynest Published in the journal : October 2017 Category : XXVe Journée de Cardiologie

Stable angina is a common clinical syndrome characterized by discomfort in the chest, jaws, shoulders, back, or arms, typically induced by exercise or stress. The therapeutic management of this condition depends on the patient’s individual prognosis, which itself depends on clinical factors and non-invasive imaging. The treatment is based on managing cardiovascular risk factors and on pharmacological treatments. A certain number of patients may benefit from percutaneous or surgical revascularization techniques

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Revisionism and negationism of the benefif/risk balance of statins in atherosclerosis

Michel P. Hermans Published in the journal : October 2017 Category : XXVe Journée de Cardiologie

Revisionism and negationism of the benefif/risk balance of statins in atherosclerosis The current, scientifically-unfounded revisionist trend directed against the entire class of statins poses a series of problems with respect to the immediate clinical management, including strengthening of drug adherence, while exposing patients who would interrupt their treatment to a sudden upsurge in fatal and non-fatal risk of incident cardiovascular disease.

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Reduction in cholesterol levels and decrease in cardiovascular mortality through food or dietary supplements: myth or reality?

Thierry Muller Published in the journal : October 2017 Category : XXVe Journée de Cardiologie

A certain number of foodstuff and dietary supplements have been shown to affect lipid levels. Data as to their impact on cardiovascular mortality and morbidity are, however, limited. Red yeast rice contains natural substances that exert HMG-CoA reductase inhibitory activity. The lack of standardization, great variability among different brands, and risk of interaction prompt us to invite you to limit their use. Although vegetable sterols in margarines reduce LDL-C levels, they have not yet been clinically evaluated. In mouse models, there is even some evidence of harmful vascular effects. While the Mediterranean diet definitely reduces the risk of cardiovascular events, there is no single but there are several Mediterranean diets, all rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, and seeds, comprising olive oil as primary source of fat.

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Statins in patients over 80: reasonable and useful?

Published in the journal : October 2017 Category : XXVe Journée de Cardiologie

The association between cholesterolemia and cardiovascular events decreases with aging, is neutral at the age of 75, and is reversed in octogenarians. To date, no randomized controlled trial has assessed the effects of statins in persons over 80 who, moreover, are a very heterogeneous population. In a patient aged 80 and older, the assessment of functional status, life expectancy, and preferences is essential when considering a preventive therapy (e.g. a statin). While scientific evidence is lacking, common sense suggests that, in patients aged 80 and older, a statin should be prescribed in secondary prevention patients with a life expectancy exceeding 1 year. It also suggests withholding or withdrawing a statin therapy in primary prevention patients (including patients with type 2 diabetes), regardless of their cholesterolemia, which should not be measured.

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Revascularization in multivessel coronary artery disease: role of the Heart Team and of the multidisciplinary approach

Joëlle Kefer, Stefano Mastrobuoni Published in the journal : October 2017 Category : XXVe Journée de Cardiologie

Myocardial revascularization has long been considered the treatment of choice for patients with multivessel disease. The introduction of stents, however, has altered this paradigm. While the Syntax and Syntax II studies have clarified the risk related to coronary artery lesions, the respective scores have proven instrumental in facilitating the discussion within the medical team, also termed Heart Team, in order to propose the coronary revascularization technique best tailored to each individual patient.

Key Words

Multivessel coronary artery disease, coronary angioplasty, surgical revascularization, Syntax score

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Which anticoagulant/antiplatelet therapy to choose in practice after stent implantation?

Sophie Pierard, Christophe Beauloye Published in the journal : October 2017 Category : XXVe Journée de Cardiologie

New anticoagulants paved the way for a new indication in secondary prevention after an acute coronary syndrome. First results have shown a significant reduction of cardiovascular events, yet an increased hemorrhagic risk. On the other hand, the use of new antiplatelet therapies in patients with acute coronary syndrome increases the cases where an additional new oral anticoagulant is required. The first studies on this association have revealed an increased risk of bleeding. However, numerous studies assessing the efficacy and risk of this association are ongoing

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Pushing the boundaries of angioplasty beyond reason?

Olivier Gurné Published in the journal : October 2017 Category : XXVe Journée de Cardiologie

Coronary angioplasty has so far crossed several different borders. Thrombotic occlusions were the first to be treated by this novel approach, then acute myocardial infarctions by means of acute de-occlusion of the “culprit” artery. With time, the lesions treated by this method have become increasingly complex. Nowadays, bifurcation lesions and stenoses of the left main coronary artery can successfully be managed using coronary angioplasty. Lastly, coronary angioplasty has also proven able to address chronic total occlusions.

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